032. SteveO - Shit Storm 2020


Hey everybody! My expression in the above photo says it all. Fuuuuuuuck!!! I wanted to post something quick so you know that I am still around.

As some of you may already know, my family experienced a veritable shit storm at home. Our basement was flooded with raw sewage that came in from the street. Yes, it’s as gnarly as it sounds. In this episode, that I recorded on my iPhone on the way to work, I chat about what happened and cover other random topics that come to mind as walk to work. E-bikes, Health Span vs. Life Span etc.

I recognize that 2020 has really sucked for a lot of people on a lot of different levels, Covid-19 being one of them. With help from BCAA insurance and the good folks at Ptarmigan Restorations, our house is slowly becoming a home again.

I hope to get my gear out of storage soon so I can continue bringing you more great conversations from people all across the globe. Apologies in advance for the audio quality.

Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. The easiest way to support the My Back 40 podcast is subscribe, share, rate and review it on your favourite listening platform.

I’d love to hear from you so don’t be shy! Whip out your device, record a voice intro and send it to myback40podcast@gmail.com. Let me know what you’re thinking, where you’re riding, where you’re tenting. Send it and I’ll get it on the show.

Love you all and we’ll chat soon!


033. Ross Burrage -The Hidden Athlete Podcast


031. Matthew Kadey - Log Driver’s Waltz