077. Dr. John Ogrodniczuk - HeadsUpGuys.org


This week on the podcast, I’m speaking with Dr. John Ogrodniczuk, Professor and Director of the UBC Psychotherapy Program. John is also the Founder of HeadsUpGuys, an online resource that supports men in their fight against depression by providing tips, tools, information about professional services, and stories of success.

After the tragic loss of our friend and mentor, Iohan Gueorguiev, men’s mental health has taken center stage here at My Back 40. One of the main themes in this conversation is vulnerability. Many men feel that vulnerability shows weakness, but nothing could be further from the truth. By courageously embracing vulnerability and reaching out for help, we can find the support we need to face our mental health issues. You’re not alone. You can find support from friends, family or a professional therapist and of course the resources at HeadsUpGuys is a great place to start.

In this podcast we discuss how we need to be more compassionate, forgiving ourselves for past indiscretions and reshaping them as lessons. We discuss the importance of finding purpose and how vital human connection is to our wellbeing. We chat about negative self-talk and some of the tools we can use to attenuate this destructive internal rival.

I could have spent hours unpacking the themes John and I discussed. We covered a lot of ground in the time we had available and I hope you find some wisdom and takeaways from the conversation. On a personal note, I tried not to use this as a personal therapy session, but I did share a lot of my own struggles as a way to relate the material.

Please enjoy my conversation with John and please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below, or reach out to me personally to discuss any of the topics in this podcast.

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079. Bonnie Gagnon - Still Smiling


076. Kyle Roberts - The Weight We Carry