064. My BC Epic 1000 YoYo Experience


Hey everyone! First of all, apologies for the delay in getting a podcast out. The last couple of weeks have been a blur since the Epic. One moment I’m out in nature on my bike, the next I’m sitting in the car with a swollen body on our way to Vancouver Island to visit family and do some glamping. Recovery has been slow.

In all honesty, the whole thing is a blur. I sat down and started to record and this is what came out. I can’t guarantee the coherence and this certainly isn’t a day by day breakdown but this is what I came up with and I hope you enjoy it. I share some thoughts about the ‘why’ and tell some stories from the adventure. I talk briefly about gear as well.

There are so many people to thank who made this adventure even possible for me. I’m so grateful for all the support, encouragement and generosity from the community. We reached the fundraising goal of $2000 and helped built a legacy in Masaka Uganda for all the up and coming athletes there. Be proud!

If you have any questions or thoughts on what you’d like me to talk about, please reach out and I’ll answer on the next podcast. I hope to be getting things back on track in the next couple of weeks.



065. Angela Chang - BC Epic 1000 Finisher


063. Eric and Jen Betteridge - The Log Driver’s Waltz